Tuesday, 13 April 2010

So I haven't posted anything in a long time, eh?  Here I am and I'm telling you that I am going to put together "Severne", a website dedicated to my video and DVD's and linked off my personal front page.

It's been a while since I did much serious video editing but now is the time to get back into it with the rise of HD.  There in an increasing amount of HD-enabled camcorders and even cameras out these but not too many have too many features yet.  Maybe this is the time to start again and get an HD camcorder.

Trouble is, I already own three digital camcorders, two in normal 4:3 aspect and one widescreen, and I have not had too much use of these in recent years.  This will change, even if it mean going out and doing some personal shoots purely for my benefit - and the getting back into practise of course.

Keep an eye in case my new webpage turns up - and even if you stumble onto this little blog accidentally - not a lot happens but when it does it is, er, less than earth-shattering, I can tell you.  But at least it's fun.

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